In a few days, I'll be in New Orleans. So hard to imagine. I was born there and have never been back since I was an infant.
It's been on my bucket list my whole life to go to New Orleans and I'm thrilled to have the chance.
I've not been able to attend a World Horror ever since it was in Toronto in 2006. It's been difficult to not attend as I was at all of them with the exception of one before that point. I even went to one in Nashville pregnant with Dorian.
At any rate, I'm excited to attend World Horror.
This is two conventions in one and it's actually the Horror Writers Association hosting the Bram Stoker Awards Weekend and they've embraced World Horror this year.
The Awards will be given out this weekend but I won't be at the banquet. I may go to the awards ceremony which is open to the public, it depends on what New Orleans looks like on a Saturday night.
4 - 6 Registration Desk
10 am Friday morning I'm going on the St. Louis Cemetery Tour for a couple of hours before the heat is too wretched.
3 - 4 Social Media Panel
5:30 - 6:30 I'm at the HWA table in the Dealer's Room
6:30 - 7 Haunted Mansion Writers panel reading where I'll be reading a poem at 6 on Friday.
7 - 8 Mass Autographing. I have nothing to bring to sell to be autographed so make certain to get your copies of the Haunted Mansion Retreat #2 (and #1) from the Damnation Books Table. I'm also in DB's Writing Tales to Terrify. High Stakes might be for sale there too and I have a story in there.
I'll be taking in panels, the city, hanging in the bar, going to parties!
I'm so excited to go to New Orleans, to World Horror and to the Stokers I could just burst!
But I won't because they won't ship my body parts in a duffle bag across the border.
If you see me around, don't be shy, say hello!
If I see you around, I won't be shy, I'll shout "Spooky eye lady! Spooky eye lady!"