Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Romance Daily News Horoscopes

Sèphera Girón at the Toronto Gay Pride Parade June 2018

My brand new horoscope column launched this week along with the brand new Romance Daily News !

Romance Daily News is a daily digest that offers all kind of news and advice. They are on the lookout for book reviewers, columnists, and interns. In fact, they are looking for an astrology intern to work with me on a few projects, so please pop them an email if you're interested.

I'm still running my Lunch Time Tarot Card Reading a few times a week. I try to go online from noon to one pm EST every day but sometimes I have to work and can't come online. You can follow me on Twitch so that you get notified when I go online so you can come by and get your free "tarot card of the day" reading. You can look at some of the past recordings if you don't know what happens. It's all free so there's no excuse not to follow me and drop in when you can! You can come by, say hi in the chat room, I pull a card and read it and then you go on about your day. Or you can stay and we can also talk about writing, movies, and anything else under the sun.

Sèphera at the Toronto Gay Pride Parade June 2018

This past month saw me launching two courses for Udemy. They are both writing courses and both can be for all levels of writers. You don't have to be a writer. You don't have to know how to read or even own tarot cards to do the tarot card course. These links provide the lowest discounted price I'm allowed to offer! The price of two fancy coffees. So click away and write some stories! I'll be adding material to both courses over the next few months so if you're already signed up, you'll be the first to know when they hit.

So You Want to Be a Horror Writer?

Write a Short Story Using Tarot Cards


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