Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sèphera Girón at Fan Expo Labour Day Weekend 2015

The History of the Scorching far!

Sèphera Girón will be at Fan Expo this year in Toronto from September 3 - 6. She will have a tarot booth #5536 and be on several panels.

Sèphera will have a table in the Horror Headquarters at Booth #5536 at Fan Expo in the NORTH Building. She will also be billed as Mistress Ariana. She will be reading tarot and selling books and handmade charms.

Sèphera is thrilled to be appearing on several panels in the SOUTH building such as:

So You Want to Be a Horror Writer? Friday 11:15 Room 703 SOUTH BUILDING
Lou Rera
Nancy Kilpatrick
Sephera Giron
Suzanne Church
Stephanie Bedwell-Grime
moderated by Richard S. Todd

What Scares You? Friday 12:45 Room 705 SOUTH BUILDING
Suzanne Church
Stephanie Bedwell-Grime
Brian Clement
Sephera Giron
Nancy Kilpatrick
moderated by Richard S. Todd

Ghost Hunting Friday 5:15  Room 717A  SOUTH BUILDING
Sephera Giron

Tarot101 Saturday 5:45 Room   SOUTH BUILDING
Mistress Ariana/Sephera Giron

Corsets! Why Do We Love Them? Room 717A   SOUTH BUILDING
Sephera/Mistress Ariana moderater
Panelists TBA

Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

Fan Expo Fun 2012

The Horror Writers Association Ontario Chapter has a booth in the Horror Headquarters area as well. Over one dozen members will be on hand throughout the weekend to answer questions about the Horror Writers Association and how to join.

Sephera/Mistress Ariana will have her own booth and will only be popping to the booth sporadically so watch her tweets to see where she'll be, depending on the crowds!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Sephera on the Radio on August 4

Sèphera Girón and Andrew Borden

On Tuesday August 4, 2015, Sèphera will be on the Horror Happens Radio Show hosted by Jay Kay.

She will be on at 7:35 pm est.

August 4 is the day that Lizzie Borden took an ax...

Tune in and check out the show!